So, the list. Fabric for garb - check! Thanks to the wonders of the Walthamstow market, we have acquired 7m of two different wools for two overtunics, 2m of dark green linen for an undertunic, and 2m of linen for making myself headdresses. Woohoo!
Photos for the blog, and a couple of posts. Well, here's the first! I present, first of all, the finished front and the partial back of the granny square pillow. It's stunningly ugly, to quote my brother, but I rather like it. I may finish the back someday, but since I'm just making it one giant square, it's kinda boring.
Next up we have the stripey legwarmers. These are as much a stashbusting exercise as they are a useful project (although I won't complain about wearing them to work!), so they are also in crazy colours.
Finally, we have the true success of the weekend - finished Jitterbug Socks! I got most of the heel done on Friday night while watching a taped episode of Torchwood, and then had to spend way too much time on the Underground on Saturday, so it just sort of happened. But they fit, and are warm and beautiful.
Other things that happened. Well, my time on the Underground was for a good purpose. I had to trek out to a depot in Park Royal to collect an Amazon parcel that contained my last Christmas knitting book "Knitting New Scarves". It is mind-boggling in its complexity. Pages of diagrams on how to hold as many as 6 needles at a time. I love it! I may just start at the front of the book and make every scarf, except for the one that is just woven strips of I-cord. Ick.
I received a package from my lovely grandmother containing 5 rather stunning balls of Bernat Fun Stripes, which are destined to become a sweater once I have used up some other things in my stash!
And I did cast on for the Interlocking Cables sweater, but as it's currently a cast-on round and a half round of white stitches, I decided it didn't need its picture taken.
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