Monday, 11 February 2008

Lots of busy, not so much progress

The weekend was good, but broken up. I just couldn't seem to settle into one project, which was really annoying. I could have gotten so much done if I had just been able to put my mind to it. Oh well.

I made some progress on the fingerless gloves. I'm halfway through the second repeat of four for the hand, and I wove in some ends too. I'm trying to do a few ends every time I work on it so that when I finish the edging it's not too nightmare-ish to finish! I also did a couple of rounds on the Jitterbug sock. It's coming along nicely and making me very happy.

I've decided that once I finish the glove I'm going to cast on for a pair of Monkey socks, one of my Mission: Possible projects. I'm making them in orange coloured Posh yarn, so they're good for Project Spectrum too! So, I also spent some time winding yarn. I wound all the yarn for the Monkeys, and finally finished dealing with the yarn that had had an adventure with the puppies. It's all wound and useable, and is destined to become a pair of Anne-trelac socks.

I was going through my bags of yarn and decided that it was time to try out the baby booties. They are incredibly cute, and very quick to knit. In fact, if I'd been able to just sit still and work on them, I'm sure I'd have a pair done by now! Oh well. I'm measuring my yarn as I go so that I know exactly how much I need for a pair. I'll have to try making the other sizes next.

The last, but very useful thing that I did over the weekend was clear out my calendar patterns. Over the last few years I've acquired several pattern-a-day knitting and crochet calendars, and although I'd sorted the knitting ones, I never really got around to the crochet ones. Not any more! I got rid of enough patterns that were not to my taste that they all now fit into one box instead of two. And I've sorted them by project type so I'll be able to find what I want to work on. Woohoo! Organization!

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