My sock, that is. And it's making good progress, too. I spent a goodly chunk of yesterday morning making repairs. After I'd fixed the off decrease, I found a place where I'd split a stitch and left a loop hanging off the outside of the sock, so laddered down and fixed that. And then I discovered that the stitch count on needle three was off by two. Upon closer examination, it transpired that I'd somehow misplaced a yarnover, which over the course of 8 rows ended up offsetting my scale pattern and losing me two stitches. That repair was a little bit more complicated, but I managed! And having spent so much time on repairing the sock, I couldn't just leave it. I ended up finishing the cuff last night, and I did the first 2 rows of the heel flap this morning. Very pleasing.
Other stuff. Hmmm. The bedspread is currently living in my handbag, since it's still small enough to carry around. I'm hoping to finish the current stripe in the next day or two. The plan for the weekend is to do a big session of photography, since the blog has been looking a little bare recently. I'm hoping to get my Ravelry Projects page back up to date, and maybe even do a status report for Mission:Possible with pictures! I was just looking over my list of stuff left to do for that earlier, and I feel like I'm doing well.
I've just indulged in a little stash enhancement, but that, too, is going to need its own post - there is a complicated project ahead!
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