...is good for curing knitter's block. By which I mean that occasionally completely frogging something that you've started and winding the yarn away can feel incredibly liberating and inspire you to knit away merrily on the projects left intact.
I did some frogging this weekend too, you see. I ripped out the baby sock that I'd started, as well as the neck-down raglan that never even got photographed. In the case of the baby sock, I decided that I'd rather make a bootie than a sock. And in the case of the sweater, I just didn't like the fabric that was being produced. I'm starting to think that this ball of yarn may be cursed. I've tried to make it into umpteen different things and have ripped out every single one. I love the yarn, I just can't get it to do anything! So it's going to have yet another time out while I scour the Ravelry pattern pages for something interesting to make with it.
Still, the weekend was very good for my projects inventory - two projects frogged, one project finished, one hibernating project fished out and worked on, and only one new project started.
*Not just a blog post, but a really great album by the Three Weird Sisters. Great music.
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