Yesterday I received an amazon parcel with two new knitting books in it. Yay gift certificates! One of them was a mostly known quantity, the other was full of surprises. Since I'm really pleased with both, I thought I'd give them a quick review.
First up - The Best of Interweave Knits. I bought this book for two shawl patterns that I've been wanting to knit for a while. One, the Icarus Shawl, is a very simple triangular lace shawl with a funky edging. I'm planning to use my long-hoarded Sundara Yarn Silk Lace to make this one. The second pattern is the Forest Path Stole, a rather stunning entrelac number with lace patterns in each square. The rest of the patterns in the book are interesting, although I doubt I'll knit many of them. The women's sweaters lack shaping, and there are enough sweaters out there already that I like that it's not worth altering them. The men's sweaters, though, have definite possibilities!
The second - Knitalong. This is a book about knitting more than it is a book of patterns. The author has gathered essays about people who knit together for a purpose, whether friendship, art, or political statement. It's a touching book. The patterns are lovely, too, all wrapped up in the reasons why knitters gather together. I bought it for a particular pattern, the Pillow of Sei Shonagon. A very simple eyelet lace pillow made special by the strips of muslin woven through, with beautiful words written on. It's gorgeous, and I've had it in my queue for ages. Looking through it, I've found several others that I'd love to make.
All in all, very good purchases!
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