I decided last night to take a break from the spinning and start making progress on my M:P09 goals by working on the Pomatomus sock. Just one problem - I've completely lost my place in the pattern. I also had 42 stitches on the patterned needle instead of 37, no idea where they came from.
So, since the whole point of knitting is to have fun......... I ripped the sock out. Completely. No more Poms for me. I might come back to the pattern in a couple of years, but for now I am thrilled that it is gone.
Of course, I needed a new sock to replace it. No, I still haven't finished the last 3 inches of Rock and Weave number 2. It's waiting for my lunch hour. The buttons are on and all the ends are woven in, I literally have 3 inches of knitting and a toe to graft. Then they are done. I've cast on for a new sock in the meantime, and it's going well.
Back in the summer I got a skein of undyed Trekking sock yarn and went wild with the Kool-Ade. I never blogged about it because the camera died, and I've been a bit busy since then. It's variegated lime green, turquoise and plum, which means that it's too busy for most patterns. I found a ribbed sock with a simple cable down each side of the ankle so it's not too boring. Hopefully it'll show up through the yarn. If not, I'll just get funky new ribbed socks.
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