Thursday, 24 July 2008

Inspiring progress

No, I'm not making vast amounts of progress and inspiring people. Rather, I'm doing rather a lot of unexpected cleaning and organizing of crafting things and it is inspiring me.

The great clean and organize on Sunday resulted in my husband's painting corner becoming a lot tidier. We've ordered a new shelf unit to sit next to the wine-rack, which will give him a lot more storage for his miniatures and paints. We also made a shelf for the top of the wine-rack to hold some of the millions of aloe vera plants that are taking the place over. And because we were doing all this rearranging, I also did things like scrub the floor and dust the windowsills, which I somehow always manage to put off doing. It looks so much better now! Another result is that my enormous tapestry frame now has a home behind the couch where the army boxes used to live.

There is an additional shelf for our bookcase on order too, which will give me a home for all my tablecloths and some of the DVDs that don't fit on their shelf. And finding a home for the cloths means that my garb chest now holds nothing but garb and our Scrabble board. Easy access to Scrabble board is very important. :D

Then last night when I got home I was planning to have a general tidy-up of the place. I'd been playing with my stash, which meant that the living room was covered in yarn and fabric and magazines. Well, we tidied. But we also went through the entire contents of the trolley/sideboard thing and cleaned it. No more dust bunnies. No more Warhammer* living in one of our serving dishes. And I went through all of my fabric stash and figured out what I'm going to do with almost all of it! So now I have sorted piles of stuff, all the things I'm currently working on are easy to get to, the stuff I'm not planning to do any time soon is at the bottom, and my living room is much cleaner.

The result of this is that I'm much happier about working on my current WIPs. Mostly it's because I know what I've got waiting for me, and I don't have to worry about whether it's going to be where I can find it when I want to work on it. I'm also getting over my urge to cast on or cut out a dozen new projects, because actually, I'm happy with all the ones I'm working on right now!

I'll put up photos once the shelves arrive and everything is done. We're expecting them next week.

*This particular Warhammer stuff was mine, I can't blame everything on the spouse!

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