Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Now I get it!

I had someone over on Monday, so didn't get any knitting done in the evening. But I picked up my shawl again last night and discovered why so many people go nuts over Addi Turbo needles! In the past, I've been unconvinced that there was enough increase in speed to compensate for the annoyance of slipperiness and working on a circular needle. But after swapping over to one for space issues (I had more stitches than would fit on my bamboo straights) and working last night, I totally get it.

Previously, I was managing about a row and a half in one evening, given average conversation and tv-watching. Last night I got through four rows! And they were longer, too, since the shawl increases 4 stitches every other row. And then I got through another 2 before work this morning!

Definitely worth the hassle to have that much of a speed increase. :D

Spouse is out tonight, so with a quick dinner and no distractions, I have high hopes of getting through the remaining 8 rows of my current chart. And that would put me on the final chart! I might get this sucker done over the weekend - woohoo!

And now that I've finished my current batch of lunchtime errands, I managed to get a load of the gusset done on the second Monkey sock. Soon. Soon they will both be done and I can get on with Pomatomus...

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