Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Slowly recovering

One of the effects I often experience after finishing a big project is a total disappearance of knitting energy. The Yarn Harlot calls this phenomenon 'knitting whiplash', which seems to me a good description. It's been rather sad this time though, because I finished the dress right before Easter Closure - 6 days off and no motivation to knit!

I had some motivation, truthfully. But I'm on a self-imposed crochet ban until the end of April because my elbow is giving me problems. So, no ripple bedspread, no Totoro. Both of which I really felt like working on. I did, however, manage to finish the first of hub's Thuja socks and cast on for the second. That'll go back into my bag to take to work tomorrow.

I've been picking up some of my other WIPs rather halfheartedly. A couple of rounds of a mitten, a row of a shawl, a bit more Monkey sock. I didn't even particularly want to start anything new at first! Over that now - I've cast on for two new projects. The first is a fairly simple drop-stitch scarf using some yarn I bought ages ago and have never been able to use. This seems to be working out, finally. I've used 1.5 of 3 balls and plan to use it up entirely.

The other new project is an Aeolian Shawl from the latest Knitty. I'm using the very first Posh laceweight I ever bought for it - Cecilia in the colourway 'Orchid'. It's gorgeous and I love it. So far I've only done the set-up chart because I'm now back into the swing of knitting and want to finish a few more WIPs before really getting into this.

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