Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Antici... pation!

I've clearly seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show too many times. Anyway.

I celebrated my birthday last week. It was great fun! Friends, family, cocktail bars, lovely mail... All the things a girl could hope for. And of course, I took a bit of birthday money and had a little shop. I'm squirrelling away my yarn money for an event in the autumn, but there was something I really wanted.

You see, Posh Yarn, purveyors of all things lovely, have recently started selling spinning fiber. They've only had roving and batts available in the last two sales, and it's gorgeous stuff. By fluke I happened to be online just before the sale kicked off, and I scored the one lump of roving I really wanted. It's blue-faced Leicester, colourway 'Insignia'. The description on the website says "Bottle green, deep blue, teal, jade", all of which are colours I love.

Now I just have to wait for the post lady. Apparently all the pink parcels were shipped out this morning...

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