Sunday, 12 June 2011

Mostly I love London.

Not so much today. This is the view from my living room window at the moment.

Gorgeous, no? It's been, well, pissing it down. All week. My umbrella is getting a great deal of use right now. Fortunately there was a break of a couple of hours yesterday, and well-timed it was. Yesterday was Baby L's third birthday! I can't believe how fast this child is growing up. I swear I'm going to be a wreck when I have spawn of my own, because I spent way too much time yesterday snuffling over party dresses and sharing and all manner of cuteness. Awwww.

Of course, yesterday was also Knit In Public Day. After a visiting granny offered to babysit, I kidnapped Baby L's mother and took her to a well-deserved lunch. We ate amazing dim sum, knit on socks (both working on red Monkeys, amusingly) and then headed across the street to Loop, the LYS of joy and wonderment. They were having a sale in honour of KIP Day, and I needed supplies for the class I'm taking at Knit Nation next month. I was very good and only bought the four balls of yarn I needed. I also bought this:

Brooklyn Tweed's book! I was outrageously excited by it, since I didn't think there was anywhere in the UK carrying it. I love all but one of the projects (the earmuffs are kinda weird), and am itching to cast on for a new shawl now. I'm not going to, of course, because I really don't need any more distractions right now. But it's a good carrot to get me through until September.

For now, though, it's a Sunday of pajamas, folk music and endless cups of tea. At least the rain means I don't have to feel guilty about chilling out for a few hours.

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