Friday, 26 October 2012

That time of year

Much of the reason that I'm not posting much right now is because I'm working on a Christmas present. It's for someone who reads the blog, and it's pretty much all I'm working on. I mean, there's a pair of Monkey socks living in my handbag, but that's it.

I'll do a state of the WIPs at some point soon - it'd probably spur me to work on the gift faster so that I can get back to everything else!

Friday, 19 October 2012

So remember back when I used to blog?

Yeah, me too. It was awesome.

Let's see, stuff that's happened since the Olympics finished. I made a scarf:

Granny scarf 001

One skein of Noro Kureyon Sock, granny ripple crochet pattern from my ripple stitch dictionary.

Baby L isn't a baby anymore. She's 4-and-a-quarter, thank you very much, and started Reception last month. And at the end of August her mother presented her with a new baby brother! Here's the sweater I knitted for him:

Granny scarf 009

Colinette Jitterbug in Lobster, pattern is the "Seamless Yoked Baby Cardigan". It's not really lopsided, I just took the picture from a funny angle. Despite having made the newborn size, it was far too big for the wee 'un when he arrived, so it should fit just as the weather gets cold.

Baby L and Baby B are rather cumbersome handles, I think, so from here on in I'll go with Fred and Ned. Formerly-Baby-L has this rather annoying habit of deliberately calling people by the wrong name. When she does that to me, I call her Fred. Makes her crazy, but she stops being a brat. And Ned's not Baby B's name, it's just what I thought he looked like when he came out. Every child needs a nickname that has nothing to do with their real name, don't you think? My parents still call me Mabel on occasion...