Friday, 5 November 2010


26/10 - A productive Saturday gave me the chance to finish off the pillow. I'm delighted with it! It's made of zillions of scraps, but I managed to sort them into a pair of colour-themed sides - orange:

Naked chef 002

and blue-green:
Naked chef 003

Some earlier works are the garters I'm donated to the Yule gift exchange:

Genny's knitting 014
and the dark woven scarf I made of two coordinating skeins of sock yarn:
Genny's knitting 004
Feeling pretty pleased with my progress right now!

05/11 update - Didn't get around to finishing the above post, and since then I've finished two more projects. :D

Coppery scarf:
8 shawls project 010

Carnevale shawl, so named because the yarn reminds me of the festival:
8 shawls project 008

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